Conduct a marketing analysis of Haighs Chocolates

Go to the website
” Describe the marketing background of the company
” key information about the industry
” What type of a company
” Their business
” Sustainable practices- environment, society, resources use, etc (10%)
” Sustainable practices- Discuss at least 5 things that company does to contribute to sustainability
” Analyse the main products, services, suppliers and customers of the company (10%)
 What is their product
 Product portfolio
 Services they supply
 Who are their suppliers
 Who are their customers
Describe the following marketing strategies used by the company
” pricing (10%)
” Whats their pricing strategy
” promotion (10%)
” What type of promotions do they use- Think about
Promotion MIX- Not just Advertising “distribution (10%)
” How do they distribute their product/ selling points/ logistics
Compare the marketing mix to its competitors (10%)
” What is their competition?

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